Fall Work Day

Fall Workday – Saturday October 8, 2022

It’s hard to believe that Summer is coming to an end and Fall is near.  I remember our last fall workday with fondness.  We asked our founder Pat Misener, “what do we do if it rains?” His reply was a simple one.  “We work in the rain.”  And so we did and we accomplished what we set out to do, which was to put our gardens to bed.  We then had a warm lunch and an afternoon of fun fellowship.  I was told by one of our volunteers it was one of the most enjoyable workdays they had been a part of.  Tom & I invite you to be a part of our Fall Workday this year. We can guarantee there will be work and food and fellowship. We pray that the day will be rain free and full of sunshine, but if not, we will do what we can.  Our project goals are to split wood, cover the gardens with straw and maybe some window cleaning.  We would also be appreciative of someone to help us provide lunch.  As always, we are extremely grateful for all those who support this ministry through prayer, gifts and volunteering. Please let us know if you will be able to come. You can let us know through email at smileagainministries.inc@gmail.com or by phone at 320-310-8877.  With Much Gratitude, Tom and Wendy


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