We Went Over The Top!

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Judy and I are praising God once again! Our goal for our Celebration of Life fund raiser was $50,000. But we didn’t get that amount. We got more! Our total this year was $62,082.00.

Every year Judy and I are humbled by the generous support of people all around the country, and even from another country this year! And God surprises us weekly by gifts from people we don’t even know. He knows we get a little anxious on our own, so He keeps the money coming in to reassure us that our goal will definitely be met.

As we’ve told you in the past, this fund raiser enables us to offer our services to families who have lost a child for only $50 a night. Obviously, the cost is far higher, but your gifts and donations throughout the year assure us that we can offer our ministry at this lower price for families in their darkest hours.

Again, thank you to every person who donated this year. We SO appreciate your ongoing support of our ministry. God bless, we love you, Pat & Judy

Steve Henning

I lead a team that develops marketing communications strategies. We produce videos, design websites, and create digital media for forward-oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Because video storytelling plays such a significant part of online marketing, I am heavily involved in video production, every day. Our prolific little agency is constantly involved in helping businesses, and especially nonprofits, tell their unique stories. In social media. On websites. With video. If you aren't using video to tell your organization's story and to grow your business, why not?


She Safely Home!


Sooooo Close!